The Reconstructive, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic in Dortmund and Düsseldorf, Germany

Get in touch with us today to arrange an initial consultation without commitment – Dr. Bromba and his team look forward to hearing from you!

Publishing details

Dr. med. Michael Bromba
Heggerstraße 50
45525 Hattingen


Telefon: +49 1712217500




Design und Programmierung:

Dr. Bromba wird unterstützt in der Neukundengewinnung im Internet und im Onlinemarketing durch Mumme & Partner – Sales and Digital.
Verantwortlich für Design, Programmierung und Umsetzung ist Mumme & Partner.


Data supplied (gem. § 55 Abs. 2 RStV) [German Telemedia Act]:

Senior Physician Dr Michael S. F. Bromba (address as above).
Consultant in Surgery / Consultant in Plastic Surgery


Responsible state chamber of physicians:
Berufsordnung der Ärztekammer Nordrhein [Code of Professional Conduct of the North Rhine Chamber of Physicians]

Professional code for doctors:
Berufsordnung der Ärztekammer Nordrhein

Country in which official authorisation to practise has been granted:

Responsible association of statutory health insurance physicians:
KV Nordrhein [North Rhine Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians]

VAT ID: DE 230829117


Clinic in Dortmund and Düsseldorf, Germany