The Reconstructive, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic in Dortmund and Düsseldorf, Germany

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Operative breast enlargement for an improved perception of the body and feeling for life

Operative breast enlargement, or mammary augmentation, is a branch of plastic aesthetic surgery which helps women who suffer from breasts that are too small or too limp. For many women, breast size is a very important component of their self-confidence. A breast that is too small can result in lasting emotional problems. Women affected by this condition are placed under extreme psychological pressure; they feel they are defective and unattractive. This is frequently found to have negative effects on a woman’s sexuality. Operative breast enlargement is a fabulous opportunity of rectifying such deficits with the help of plastic aesthetic surgery. The object of breast enlargement is a naturally enlarged breast which will still be in keeping with the bodily structure overall. A high-quality implant will be used to enlarge the existing form of the breast. For many women, a successful breast enlargement means a notable increase in self-confidence and the enjoyment of life. A breast enlargement or breast operation is also something many women wish for after pregnancy and breast-feeding. This frequently results in a limp breast and a significant loss of volume. This premature ageing process has quite serious effects on the feeling for life of women who are still young. Such cases can be well remedied by the compensating volume that results from a breast operation, as the skin of the breast has already been stretched. In some cases, of course, a simultaneous tightening of the skin needs to be carried out.

Silicon implants for breast enlargement

The implants for breast enlargements available today all have a silicon sheath. They come in different shapes and sizes. The Clinic for Plastic Surgery uses only implants with a filling of silicon gel. Silicon gel as a filling forms the basis of the best products, as they hold their form well and are very reliable.

Detailed consultation before a breast enlargement

A serious and well qualified plastic surgeon will always give the patient an intensive consultation before conducting a breast enlargement operation. In this context he will also explain the possible risks, even if when the operation is conducted by an experienced surgeon these are very slight.

The commonest problem in connection with breast enlargement is capsular fibrosis. This involves the formation of a thick sheath like connective tissue around the breast implant. In some cases this capsular fibrosis may have to be removed surgically and a new implant put in place. Before a breast operation it must be made clear to the patient that on close physical examination any implant can be felt. It should also be explained to the patient that responsible plastic aesthetic surgeons are not prepared to carry out a breast enlargement in order to create breasts of unnaturally large size. A competently inserted breast implant will not cause any problem with breast feeding or present any obstacle to mammographic examinations.

Procedure for a breast operation

The breast enlargement operation calls for a brief admission to the clinic. You will be required to stay overnight. It is undoubtedly an advantage to go to a proper hospital where you have the complete infrastructure available. In general the breast operation will be carried out under general anaesthetic. The operation for breast enlargement takes from an hour and a half to two hours. Before the operation the physician will decide, on the basis of individual consultation, which method of breast enlargement is the most suitable for the patient. In the course of the breast enlargement operation a small cut measuring 4 cm in length will be made in the inframammary fold, on the periphery of the nipple or in the armpit. The implant will be placed either behind the mammary gland or behind the pectoral muscle.For some days after the breast operation, pain will be felt in the tense breast. For two or three weeks following the breast enlargement you should wear a special bra. You will be able to resume your normal daily routine in just a few days. Sport should however be avoided for six weeks after the operation.

Dr. med. Michael Bromba – an experienced plastic aesthetic surgeon for breast enlargements

The St. Josef Hospital in Essen-Kupferdreh, Germany, has acquired a reputation as a clinic for breast enlargements over many years. The experienced and highly regarded surgeon Dr Bromba carries out breast enlargements for in-patients of the hospital. His patients can benefit from all the advantages of undergoing the operation in a major german clinic. At the same time, they are able to count on the personal care and attention of Dr Bromba. If you have any questions about breast enlargement, Dr Bromba and his team will be happy to help you.


Clinic in Dortmund and Düsseldorf, Germany